Gonna ditch my lazy bones right from now on.
Freelance jobs, yeah~~
Under tight budget now coz have to save up for my trips next year!!~ >_<
Under tight budget now coz have to save up for my trips next year!!~ >_<
To Taiwan in January

To Siaem Reap, Cambodia in August

Yea. Angkor Wat...
2weeks backpacking...
To Australia (Yet to confirm)
If only I rob a bank/ strike lottery/ become some Datin's toyboy. @.@
Oww, not to forget my FYP's starting soon.
Gotta trap mammals in the forests!! *Excited* >o<
Gonna have lotsa works piling up soon for reading journals/writing thesis. =.="
Yeah, just when i am done with my final exams. Pfffttt.... >.<