X-men Origins: Wolverine

C’mon, we’ve just gone through with the worst nightmare yesterday, the Ancillary Statistic paper ok, shouldn’t we deserve to take a break???
Man, for X-men fans out there, it is a must watch movie. I loved it so much that now I’m waiting for its DVD release. I thought it is better than the first X-men movie, could possibly be better than the second one too. The fighting scenes are all so cool wei. But the graphic when deadpool Vs Wolverine and Sabertooth was a little flawed? I don't know. Judge it yourself. It is worth your every penny. It's adrenaline rush from the first minute till the last. A lot of actions that would make you go woah...
The snitbits of picture scenes from the movie:
Kayla Silverfox & young Cyclops (my fav)

Gambit (Check out the explosive card decks)
Deadpool (perfect sword skill)
Sabertooth (not so much of his fan)
Agent Zero
Wolverine Vs Gambit
Wolverine Vs Sabertooth
Never a Wolverine fan though, but Cyclops . Haha. Like the character since small. Probably because Cyclops looks cool & “yao-ying”/bergaya. XD His optic beam is disastrous but fantastic. However in this third installation of X-men, Cyclops appeared to be amateur because he is still young. I’m sure many out there watched X-men before during their childhood. I recalled following the cartoon on RTM back in the old days. ^^ & reading their comics.

Oh yeah, I’m a marvel & DC superheroes fan. I’ve tonnes of their comics at home back in Ipoh.

Later on we headed to McD for our “early dinner” before going back to Kampar ^^Cant help it coz there’s no McD in Kampar and we were craving for it... Slurrpp...^^
Later at night i was thrown with an early birthday surprise by my beloved friends. Er, i was already kinda expect it to happen in within these few days before the real birthday of mine coz we’d be having exams on my birthday!!! Nah, it’s always exam on my birthday since i started schooling. Used to it already. But still i was surprised by the surprise coz i was sleeping like a pig that they had to knocked on my door so loud and for so long only then i was awaken. & at that moment, the just-woke-up-blurness was clouding my mind to even think of this possibility. So, surprised indeed. Then there comes the must-have birthday game. Snow spray or cream war. Again, i expected it. So in the end i was all covered with snow spray and cream all over my
Well, that’s the fun we had before resume working for our last two more papers. sob sob
P/S: will post up some pictures of it once i've got them from Li Yi
Mucho gracias to :
Samuel, Pei Pei, Kenny, Li Yi, Jeffrey,Fiona, Illias, Wendy, Kumara, Esther, Janice, Ze Lene, Alice, Li Na for the day. & to Venodh, Teik Tzuan for their early wishing, & also to those wishing me on Friendster & Facebook though i don’t know some of them, so, it’s just nice of you people. ^^ Thank you guys.
OK study PM now... till then bye