Friday, June 12, 2009

At Studio E103

My blog seems so dead left not updated for merely 2 weeks.
Coz i have nothing much to update.
Laziness is part to be blamed on though.. hehe
Well, just got fascinated by the pictures i've got lately.

Now every Monday we've this new schedule, which is our photoshooting at Studio E103.

And hell yeah, it's lots of fun yeah!
That two hours seemed like two minutes.
Time really flies there.
And of course it helps kill our boredom.
Laughter was filled in the air during the whole thingy.

Lazy to type...
See the photos lar.....

Fiona the gymnast kicks

Illias's flying kick....... (No string attached, mind you!!)

Watch the "bian tai poh" whipping!! (intrepret the photos in whatever way yourself) ^^

"I know what you did last night with Martin!!"

"Bitch!!!!Dont think i dont know?!!"

"Alright, i shall forgive you"

Michael Jordan jump??

High School Musical jump???

Lee Hom music man jump?

Sexy Mader with her trademark killer eyes XD

For the United Colors of Benetton print ad
unprepared one

& yeah, kinda agree with "now i know how hard it is to be a model, so many retakes and freezed poses".... quote from Illias =P

But fun ma, not meh.....

All thanks to our ever professional photographers for those snapshots, Kenny Mah S.C. & Li Yi Chong!!!

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...................... XD


KJSC said...

ish...suka hati je interpret this and

KJSC said...

toot! its japheth btw!

Shiuji said...

So nice... i wish to try also... T.T

Malcolm said...

LOL so funny with the catfight thingy haha..^^

ging3rcola said...
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KJSC said...

and i just realised i have a picture of my butt!!! lol...yes yes...enter there!

eliza natsuko said...

LOLOLOLOLXXX!!! see? wasn't 'studio photo taking' just fun? XD one day i shall just randomly enter the room and 'supervise' the entire process XD XD

i love the pic of illias flying kick u. amazing how he jumped that high! O_O


lol~ love the last 1

fuzpeiz said...

woww,,am i pretty or wat????am i such a good model or wat!!!!! ahahhahaah...
i am amazed myself
slap me!

fiona said...


suka hati tokok tambah the story as u wish..

hehe..but it was fun thx to liyi n kenny!!!

KJSC said...

yes yes...eliza would be a good help!! but might need to change the set. Im addicted to LIGHT!!! Wish there's more light source there!!!

Anonymous said...

omg!! that look so fun!! haha..
i thought it was really a subject!

draGOnIC88 said...

wa eric..u really can interpret from the pics hor....nice especially kenny's pics and fiona...FIONA FIERCE!!!!

~eRiC~ said...

Kenny: how do you pronounce "Japheth"?
Like Jay-fat-th?

Shiuji: Why T.T

Malcom: Thanks ^^

Diditoh: Babisai, deleted for what!!

Eliza: Come come join the fun!^^

Leu: would you like to enter it? XD

Fupei: as usual, u will get a slap from me anytime..

Fiona: i didnt tokok tambah wor, i just intrepret it only.

Eileen: how fun if it's one of our subjects... haha. Sure score A

Samuel: Haha, Fiona mmg pun garang jer in real, sesuai for her

David said...

lol... can't get the idea of how y'all take those fun jump shoots xD
how i wish to join the flying kick too xD

^^WiLLY LaM^^ said...

looked like you have a great time... and horrr... you are getting older nowadays LOL

Anonymous said...

what are these pictures for?
for fun? =)

~eRiC~ said...

David: haha, sure, cme join the fun

Willy: eh, wht do u mean by tht?getting old? i look older dy now???

kenwooi: yeah, for fun and for the united colors of benetton print ad! LOL

Anonymous said...

ur pic...sibeh funny here to enter...LOL..LMAO!!!

KJSC said... comments on my butt...if you want to enter, it takes more than a click!!! =P

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