Little did we know that Malaysians has been in existence for more than half a century in this globe. It's been 52 years, not many nations which has got their independence at the same time as Malaysia have managed to survive this far, otherwise not as successful which is something i would be proud of. And name me any countries in this world where its people is of mixed with all types of races living in harmony for half a century. We are like the melting pot of the world with Malays (the dominant race in South East Asia), Chinese (the dominant race from the East Asia), the Indians (the dominant race from the South Asia) and about 40 different types of other ethnics in Borneo. And we are all Malaysians. I bet you can never find any country like this. Nevertheless, sadly to say that we as 52 year-old nation has still yet to live as one true nation despite the elaborate advertising slogans and TV commercials. We are still identifying each other as race of Malay, Chinese, Indian and others but not as a Malaysian race.
It's even more disheartening to see more polarisation of races is happening around. eg: the demonstration with a cow's head against setting up of temple (~sCarY~). I would put the blame on POLITICS!! They (the politicians) are the ones who has set us apart all this while.
As i recalled when i was in schooling time, i used to mingled around with my friends regardless of race. Didnt even bother about the term "race". I used to have a lot of malay and indian friends, some became my close friends. As I grow up, many things came in between that make us realised that the reality in the outside world is not as simple. People now tend to mix with their own races. You can see that in University level.
I would say the policies in this country is very "disuniting". How do you expect all of us to be colour blind if those policies are as "colourful" as rainbow. There's no point of keep telling the people we are in unity and racial harmony while on the other hand you people are "seperating" us apart with your policies. However, the current government now seems to make some changes in some of these no longer relevant racial biased policies, and i hope they are meant for real this time and not just for the purpose of gaining election votes. Anyway, I'm still able to mix around regardless of race. Im still keeping in touch with some of my malay and indian friends though. Not many can do this you know.... Sad to say.
I remember i was given an impression telling me that im weird when i listened to malay songs. Hello~~~ What's wrong with that???!!!!... Im a Malaysian!!!
Perhaps, it could be the environment i was brought up in. My first schoolmate was a malay boy and my first neighbour was an indian girl.
"Rakyat didahulukan, Pencapaian diutamakan" (People First, Performance Now)
Selamat Hari Merdeka Malaysia!!
It's even more disheartening to see more polarisation of races is happening around. eg: the demonstration with a cow's head against setting up of temple (~sCarY~). I would put the blame on POLITICS!! They (the politicians) are the ones who has set us apart all this while.
As i recalled when i was in schooling time, i used to mingled around with my friends regardless of race. Didnt even bother about the term "race". I used to have a lot of malay and indian friends, some became my close friends. As I grow up, many things came in between that make us realised that the reality in the outside world is not as simple. People now tend to mix with their own races. You can see that in University level.
I would say the policies in this country is very "disuniting". How do you expect all of us to be colour blind if those policies are as "colourful" as rainbow. There's no point of keep telling the people we are in unity and racial harmony while on the other hand you people are "seperating" us apart with your policies. However, the current government now seems to make some changes in some of these no longer relevant racial biased policies, and i hope they are meant for real this time and not just for the purpose of gaining election votes. Anyway, I'm still able to mix around regardless of race. Im still keeping in touch with some of my malay and indian friends though. Not many can do this you know.... Sad to say.
I remember i was given an impression telling me that im weird when i listened to malay songs. Hello~~~ What's wrong with that???!!!!... Im a Malaysian!!!
Perhaps, it could be the environment i was brought up in. My first schoolmate was a malay boy and my first neighbour was an indian girl.
"Rakyat didahulukan, Pencapaian diutamakan" (People First, Performance Now)
Selamat Hari Merdeka Malaysia!!
P/S: Oh yea, Happy Birthday to my dear friend FUPEI too, merdeka girl. XD