Saturday, May 10, 2008

~FiRsT TiMe~

Well, well, my first time blogging. Have been thinking of starting one since 2 years back & was lazy(as usual) to do one till now...finally...haha...
One might asks what makes me start this?er,i dont know...the feeling just came to me & i just cant help myself starting one...maybe my buddy joee, asking me to leave comments on his blogs, but i found out one must sign up to do so (izit?i dont know,correct me if im wrong). Then, aiya...just give it a shot la...signed up...*tada* first Mr Lam, you should be proud of it...haha, or maybe not...or maybe u wont...or blah..i dont know what else to write dy...
Alright, it's been late now since i have to get up early tomorrow, so folks out there...stay tuned for more eRiC's words...I'll try making it more interesting......or at least wont make u go "ouhhh....", yawn.

~eRiC signing out~

1 comment:

joee said...

haha..when ps2 rematch?? king of fighters!

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