Yesterday was my first Japanese class. Hehe. Never thought i would be attending one ever since i have been telling everyone i have no interest in any Japanese/Korean drama series, anime, or whatsoever. Even though those Japanese series and anime are hitting at our shore like tsunami but i still cant be bothered at all. Even my friends have tried a few good attempts to draw me into Japanese anime, still all failed. LOL. I don’t know why. Just not interested at all. Hehe. But last time i liked watching Cybercops, The Flashman, The Maskman,Ultraman,etc..LOL. Japanese shows i watched during childhood.

The Flashman

The Maskman


Wahahaha...miss watching them ler
Makudona ruto...Hehe. If I’m not wrong coz the lecture said it a bit too fast.
From now on i have to practice speaking more Japanese. After class we were so hungry and we went outside for dinner. Onaka se i ta (im hungry), *clap clap* itadakimasu (let’s start to eat). I realised it’s actually quite interesting to learn Japanese, to learn their culture. I’m so excited about it. During the two hour class, time seemed moving soooo much faster than of my chemistry class. LOL. I would probably dozed off already in the first 15minutes of my chemistry class. LOL
Before ending here, there’s a culture contrast between Malaysians and the Japanese. I’m quite surprised that in Japan, when a guest in your house wrap away with a handkerchief of any extra food served it means one appreciates your food and like it. But then we thought how rude it would be if it’s in Malaysia. It's deemed as politeness in Japan.
By the way, in Malaysia you don’t see people take away food with handkerchief lor. Especially in open houses/buffets, you can see people ‘tah pao’(take away in Malaysian Cantonese) with many big big Tupperwares wan. LOL. Am I right Malaysians???
P/S: can't wait to figure out what's my Japanese name...^^
Babisai Jeffrey & Illias named me "tiu tiu"..Ish!