Wanna be a model?
I would say no... for me
It's not my thing
Singing 200% yes, but not modeling lar
Not so much of my thing
Body: Urrgh, i don't have it, i need it badly
Height: I don't think i'm tall wor (only 174-176cm)
Look: Tarak lorrr
Ok, maybe it more applies to runway model larrrr...
coz runway models required the 3 factors mentioned above
For magazines ads models, still can larrr....
But runway models....Hmmm~
Of late, I feel I'm like a dwarf
standing alongside with the other model
Ok lar, there was a guy who's about my height...
but still.....
I feel short weiiiii!!!!! =.=
They are all 180cm and above,
and i am like
Forgot dy larr
I remember the last time I measured 4 years ago was
about 173cm or 174cm??
Nevermind nevermind,
As long as confidence kicks in
Even a crow can standout among the swans.. XD
One must have:
1) The look,
Photogenic of course
(like this Biatch buddy/sidekick of mine,
in the cover mag for this Feb XD)
Musculine looking
Boyish looking
Not Cinapek looking

2) Not necessarily pretty faces,
but UNIQUE faces
is what in today's market

See the girl behind??

Well, I don't think Amber Chia is typically beautiful
as in pageant-like face
but the confidence, the aura and uniqueness in her
that make her looks gorgeous

3) The height,
tall enough
to walk down the runway
Range: 5'10 very athletic to 6'2 fashion
(Eh, not everyone can do a perfect catwalk you know,
Definitely i need to practise more in this point,
Yeah~ Jacky too.. XD )

I've always thought it was easy,
as seen from Janice Dickinson and ANTM
Lisa, Daniel Wu's gal, is as tall as Daniel or even taller
She's hawt by the way... :P

4) The body
It also depends
in which type of modeling you are in
whether runway modeling or print ads modeling etc

defnitiely not like this

Make sure keep this
wrapped under many many layers of clothes
always stay in top physical condition,
good skin and hands,
yadda yadda
Anyway, nice experience and something new to me
The catwalk training and grooming session were fun~