*alarm ringssssssss*
*Snoozed for 9minutes*
*alarm rings again*
*snoozed again*
This went on till someone made a call to this poor lil Fool.
Fiona : Hello
Lil Fool : Yea??? *still in dreamland*
Fiona : The bus is like coming in 5minutes more. Where are you?
Lil Fool : Oh, what time is it now? *sounds blurry*
Fiona : It's 9.25am already. The bus is coming. Are you coming?!!!
Lil Fool : *Darn* Nah, dont want to go already lar. Please sign for my attendance lar. Thank you.
Fiona : Ok bye...
This lazy bump Fool resume his adventure in dreamland again.. I never knew there's such lazy being on this Earth seriously...
At 12 noon
Poor fool was awake and taken his cereal with milk as breakfast. Ok, brrrunch...
*hp text came in*
"We are coming to fetch u out 4 lunch now."
*text was replied with*
"I've eaten dy"
*text came in again*
"So u wan to come with us or not? Coz u jz got a warning"
*text replied*
"Nope.Huh?Wht warning??!!!"
*text came*
"K, nvm then, tell u later"
With full of anxiety he called the number wondering what warning was that for it could be warning from the lecturer for his absence in class.
Fiona : Yes?
Poor Fool : What warning?! What warning?!
Fiona : Er, from the lecturer. He said if you are going to miss a class once more, you will be
barred from taking examinations.
Poor Fool : WTH!!! Really??!!!OMG...Means nobody sign for me just now?!How ar?! How?!
Fiona : Yes, we couldn't sign for you because he checked on the attendance today. but you
were not the only one lar. There were a few more besides you.
Poor Fool : Arrggghh!!!OMG, OMG. It means i have no attendance signed for both lecture and tutorial today lor??? It means i'm considered absent for two classes today? Shoot!! How ar how ar?!! Should i go
*heard Li Na voice giggling behind the call*
Poor Fool : Is that Li Na? I can hear her giggling there.
Fiona : Yea, she's with us.
*giggles & chuckles again*
Fiona : So do you want to come with us or not? To get the MC?? We are on the way now. Shall turn to your place if you want to come.
Poor Fool : Errrr, ok ok, im coming with you guys now but give me a minute, im in a mess now. *cursing himself for always sleeping like a pig*
Fiona : Alright, see ya...
Car arrived.... Illias came up knocking on the door...
"Quick Quick"
"OK coming!!"
Poor little Fool boy rushed into the car.
Immediately the Poor Lil Fool Boy was feeling like %$#&*(%#$&*^?#&!!!!!
He was trapped in the car and had to be driven off by them for lunch though he didnt want to eat. Just watch them eating lor...
There you are... The Tale of such a FOOL!!!
It's not even an April Fools' Day yet...you guys just watch out...The Fool shall take his revenge when the chance arrives. *Evil Grin* XD