Sunday, December 20, 2009

Most Watched Worldwide

Top 3 most viewed video on Youtube??

Let's start with 3rd placing lar.....

With 33 million views
Find it a little =.="

Well, don't bother...
Come come, watch this.....
This is so funny...
So cute~

It was about this boy, David who has just got his tooth removed and he was reacting to the medication effect.....hilariously.

The most watched video of the year...

Not surprised lor

It's none other than.....
Susan Boyle

Watched till sien dy.....

Her video has hit the record of 120 million views
more than the next three most watched videos combined.
I've watched it
zillions of times before
So, didnt bother to watch it again..

*scroll up and watch the 2nd placing one*
if you have not
*faster, go go go*


fuzpeiz said...

weii..i got a new video most watched wan!!
the surprised kitten.
n watch tat..u will luff till ur lung pecah..muahaha

Fion Chow said...

hahaha.i watched the last one..XD

Horny BF said...

Eh, but still, I find the Susan Boyle's one to be of the most memorable moment of 2009. Really.

Unknown said...

First video:
the first couple of people dance still ok. the rest was like -.- already. LOL! but it was really an unforgettable wedding ceremony.

~eRiC~ said...

Fupei: i watched dy... okok ler... i didnt luff till my lung pecah worrr

Fion Chow: the 2nd wan leh? why didnt watch... the last one watched so many times dy... sien

Horny BF: yea.. agree~

Dylan: Isit? u like the first one? i just think susan's video is the most deserving one.. after all XD

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