Im so hooked into Susan's voice.
Sounds so pure... mind soothing... angelic...
Perfect for her "I dreamed a dream" ...
"Wild Horse" is the best!!
(The song you're listening to now on my blog)Cant stop listening to her album...
Do you remember her?
Susan Boyle... who touched millions of hearts?? Who "gave" hopes to the millions? To tell everyone that "nothing is impossible"? Whose an eye opened to those cynics...
Cant believe her recent surprise makeover.....
Look, this was her when she first came to audition where most in the hall underestimated her before she opens her blurrdy dang mouth and sing...
And this is her recent makeover...
Awww... i swear i would say
"Marry me Susan Boyle!!!"if i were at her age... LOL
Besides, im listening to
David Archuleta's Christmas From The Heart too..

Yes, I'm in Christmas mood!!!
It's been since i was a kid, I just love to listen to Christmas melodies... Used to have a lot of Christmas cartoons during the whole month of December and i would 24/7 sticked to the idiot box watching them. Christmas decorations could be seen everywhere as well. They'd all just give me a real good feeling... Don't know how to describe..Although i don't celebrate Christmas with my family, but i remember i did receive X'mas gifts from parents and that was so long ago...
As i grow up, i got to celebrate with friends occasionally especially when my Christian friends held X'mas parties. We exchanged gifts, sipping wine, buffet dining, and singing carol is my favourite at all time!!!!! Used to join choir in church during X'mas just for fun... Love it so much....
Coz i just love to sing... ahha.. I dont care.. whatever things to do with singing, no doubt you would see me be part of it!!!
And one thing that i have always wanted to for Christmas is~.....
It always come to my mind whenever i see couples on TV spending their own sweet time during the Christmas Eve. Just both of them, hugging in front of the wood burning stove enjoying hot chocolate, while frosty snowing outside... How romantic it is, isnt it??

Ok, i know it wont be materialised that soon as I'm still in this scorching hot tropical country with the frequent weird weather nowadays... I dont need wood stove for warmth. It is warm enough... How I wish it snows here.. haha..
Just cant wait to be able to spend my Christmas with my special one this year... Finally...
Dining in a romantic environment with perfect Christmas settings would be awesome.. Yes, cant wait for it to come.. XD